Soul Awakening

Spiritual Philosophy - Articles for Self Empowerment & Soul Growth

The articles presented here are to encourage us to live a life of Authentic Power, as the Divine Creators that we are, to identify and remove all limiting belief systems, to live with passion and joy, to evolve our souls to consciously create the life of happiness and success that we all wish for.

Coming from the conviction that we are spirits inhabiting flesh and blood for an earth experience, and realising that nothing can separate us from Source, The Godhead, Logos or any of the myriad names for The Divine Creator, it is my desire to share with you these articles in the hope that you will find something among the pages that will inspire, comfort or assist you on your own walk. You can already read about My Philosophy Of Life further down the page.

"Nothing can separate us from the love of God"
~ Romans 8.35-39

Enjoy the articles. May they inspire and uplift you!

Please also read about My Philosophy Of Life further below.

Latest Articles

Astral Travelling & Out Of Body Experiences

Astral Travelling & Out Of Body Experiences
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Astral projection and astral travelling are the names given for the esoteric art of being able to project the subtle body / spirit / dream body / astral counterpart, outside the physical body and travel in that vehicle to other realms of existence. Although it is a natural occurrence, the conscious memory or participation in it is denied from the majority and so is shrouded in mystery and subsequent fear of the unknown. It is acknowledged in all the ancient traditions worldwide and is ...

Angels And Their Relevance in Our Lives

Angels And Their Relevance in Our Lives
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With the increasing influence of the 'New Age' many are speaking about direct experience of this realm of being, and I am sure it is a subject of real interest to many of us. The word "angel" actually comes from the Greek word aggelos, which means "messenger." Angels mean many things to many different people. What is amazing but very pertinent is that (like so many other things) their reality is spoken of in all the major religions and Holy Books from The Bible to the Koran. It is a very vast …

Authentic Power, Self-Empowerment, Soul Evolution

Authentic Power, Self-Empowerment, Soul Evolution
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Understanding the meaning and importance of living in our Authentic Power, and living it, is surely one of the most loving things we can do for ourselves and the world in this day and age. It is part of our soul evolution. It is the difference between living consciously and living unconsciously. It is the difference between self-empowerment and dis-empowerment. It is the difference between pain and happiness, suppression and freedom. It is the difference between spiritual growth or stagnation...

Creating Your Own Reality & The Power Of Thought

Creating Your Own Reality & The Power Of Thought
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Divine Intervention, Law of Grace & The Divine Plan

Divine Intervention, Law of Grace & The Divine Plan
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I believe in Divine Intervention. This is something that occurs when we pray for help. I also believe that the Creator sees the workings of our hearts. In this way our good intentions are noticed. It is always The Intention that matters. I may fail, I may mess up, but if my intention was good and pure then things will right themselves. I believe we are guided in the spirit realm especially if we ask for help. I always tell my friends that often God's greatest gifts come in the heaviest...

Healing & Coping With Depression

Healing & Coping With Depression
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Although depression can seem hopeless, there is hope! You CAN heal! This page offers understanding, hope and encouragement, uses a holistic approach to healing. It describes my own journey of pain and subsequent healing. I hope to share with you how it was for me and offer encouragement and support to anyone thus afflicted and also to those who are distressed about relatives, friends or loved ones with depression. I hope to show that there is a positive side to the suffering, there IS a reason...

Holistic Approach To Healing

Holistic Approach To Healing
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To my mind, to really understand healing, the causes of illness and the ways to cure involve the acceptance of the totality of the human body as consisting of several inter-penetrating layers of energy - each one vibrating at a different frequency and each one directly connected to other realms of existence that deal with that level of vibration. Yogic philosophy talks of 'Koshas' which mean sheaths. In their philosophy there are five koshas... in others there are seven layers. We can liken...

Libido And Its Role in Self-Empowerment

Libido And Its Role in Self-Empowerment
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There is often some confusion when we use the word libido. According to the dictionary Libido in Latin means "desire, longing, fancy, lust, or rut." Although the adjective libidinous, meaning lustful, has been used in English for 500 or so years, libido only entered the language in 1913, thanks to Sigmund Freud and other psychoanalysts who applied the term to psychic energy or drive, and especially to the sexual instinct. One cannot distinguish the two, for the libido is actually our life...

Karma, Reincarnation & Religion

Karma, Reincarnation & Religion
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Karma is a term in that comprises the entire cycle of cause and effect. Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done and is currently doing. The effects of those deeds actively create present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life (see also Creating Your Own Reality). In religions that incorporate reincarnation, karma extends through one's present life and all past and future lives as well. The law of Karma is central in Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism...

Native American Philosophy, Wisdom & Quotes

Native American Philosophy, Wisdom & Quotes
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New Age, Christianity and the Anti-Christ Agenda

The Coming Of The New Age - What It Means For Us
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Since the original writing of this article, much has transpired along the lines of what I talk about later. We have seen many catastrophes - the devastating earthquakes in Haiti Chile and China, volcanic eruptions in Iceland and Indonesia. Dreadful bushfires in Australia claiming many lives world wide. We have lived through the fear of what was termed by the WHO a pandemic of Swine flu the origins of which are shaded in secrecy and misinformation. There is widespread fear all over the planet...

The Law Of Manifestation & The Law of Attraction

The Law Of Manifestation & The Law of Attraction
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What we in our hearts and minds believe or long for, becomes manifest in our reality. The Law of Attraction states that we draw to ourselves vibrationally anything that we focus on.... or "like attracts like". So, we manifest into our reality that which we focus upon! Manifestation is where dreams become real. It is our magic key to the kingdom of achieving our dreams. We can choose to learn how to become conscious creators. There is a law operating in the universe that is SO amazing in its...

Working & Healing With Crystals

Working & Healing With Crystals
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In crystal healing, we work in partnership with them by placing them on or near the body in order to effect healing change. One of the most basic ways is placing a different crystal on each of the chakras (see picture at top of page) in order to restore balance to the whole system. They do this by allowing the rate of their vibration to effect change in the rate of the spinning energy centers of the chakras, clearing out any negativity and allowing them to function at peak capacity. We need...

Reiki - Cosmic Healing Energy Through The Hands

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Reiki was discovered in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It uses a technique where practitioners believe that they are transferring healing energy in the form of KI through their palms and into the recipient. In this way the recipient is activated to produce their own healing processes. Reiki energy flows unhindered where it is most needed dissolving blockages in energy flow, some from old wounds to the body, mind or spirit. What Does Reiki Mean? The Japanese word "rei-ki" consists of two...


My philosophy of life is really quite simple... 
I believe we need to 'wake up' and understand we are the authors of our own 'Life Script'.

My spiritual philosophy of life is a distillation of my life experience, countless books, many years in the church and several mystical / spiritual 'ecstasies' given almost as signposts along what was always a very bumpy road. These intense experiences birthed a feeling of deep wonder and belonging, hunger for truth and un-shakeable faith in a transcendent loving energy / being / God. This being knows me personally in a way beyond my human comprehension, or so it feels to me. This knowledge inspires me and humbles me.

I have always had an open mind and I took what resonated with truth and discarded what did not. This has allowed me over the years to begin to step out of conditioning. In order to be able to see the whole picture we need to have a high perspective, to look with the eyes of an eagle as it soars.

My experiences in astral travelling told me of other realms of being and I know that we (the essence of us, the soul) does not die at death but instead is freed to return to the spiritual home.

I believe that we operate in a very magnificent universe. We need to 'wake up' from the dream (or nightmare) of our individual conditioning and seek for The Truth! To look beyond the things that were told to us in childhood when we did not have the awareness and insight to see the inconsistencies!

Organised 'Religion' has subdued the masses for many ages through fear. "Perfect love casts out fear" the Bible tells us. I do not believe we have to approach our maker through an intermediary. I have a direct line...and so do you!

I am NOT attacking the church. I am simply saying that we should all make our individual choices according to our hearts and not accept hook, line and sinker, what we may have been told was the truth. Indoctrination and blinkered vision has caused untold misery for millions of people. The pre-occupation with guilt and sin has robbed countless people of peace of mind or self empowerment. Corruption is widespread, yes, sadly even within the church.

Those who saught to challenge doctrine were burned as heretics. Those who experienced other realms of being (and spoke about it) the same.

"Believe nothing on the faith of traditions,
even though they have been held in honor
for many generations and in diverse places.
Do not believe a thing because many people speak of it.
Do not believe on the faith of the sages of the past.
Do not believe what you yourself have imagined,
persuading yourself that a God inspires you.
Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters and priests.
After examination, believe what you yourself have tested
and found to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto."
~ The Buddha

Jesus was a simple man in his incarnation. He chose that guise to approach the ordinary man. He had no time at all for the jewel encrusted robes and elevated position of certain sections of the church. His whole message was one of service and humility. How far we have strayed from the Master's Teachings!

There should never be such a thing as 'inherited belief'. Every person should honour their soul enough to question the reason for their existence here, now.

Life is our school. We have come here for special reasons. Each one of us has a soul lesson to learn. Each one of us has something to give to the world. We are creators and we carry divinity within us as birthright. The hunger or homesickness you sometimes feel is your soul longing to be re-united with the Logos /Source / God.

When you go within and shut off the clamour of the world, you will be reconnecting to the source within you - the cosmic umbilical cord that can never be severed.
You are indeed a 'Child of the Universe'.

love and blessings
Alison signature


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All writings on this site is copyright Alison (Stormwolf) Bunker, and may not be reprinted without explicit written permission. If you wish to reproduce any poems on another website or other media, please email Alison for prior permission. See Terms of Use.



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