Melting into Green

Time recedes, lost in thought,
mesmerised by loud bird-song
and tinkling river.
Merging into blessed harmony
in my green oasis.
Connected to my life blood
even in this city.

The feathered, anxious at first,
have capitulated to my still form
and accepted my offerings.
Little realising the comfort they afford
well out-weighs a few meal worms
and random seeds.

Oh, to simply melt into green…

Surrender the cruelty and ignorance
of a warring world.
slip down between the blades of grass
into the fertile welcoming soil.

My impatience put aside
for now.
I am as near to Heaven as I can attain
this side of transition.
Will there be an audo version for this one? Listen to Poem...

xxxxxxxxxxx - Alison Stormwolf

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